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Spring Birding | Oceano Lagoon, CA

Habitats: fresh water lagoon, riparian scrub, woodland, coastal scrub, dunes.

The North Beach campground was bustling with birds when we arrived Friday late in the afternoon.

We started our hike toward the beach and turned around to take this photo.

We followed the sandy path in the coastal scrub.

At dusk, a Great Horned Owl stopped near our campsite,

In the morning, a pair of Western Bluebirds was active by their nesting cavity.

Western Bluebird fledgling.

We went to Oso Flaco Lake, then lingered at the campsite and enjoyed observing a Red-shouldered Hawk.

We followed the Guiton trail around the lagoon.

Young Pied-billed Grebe riding on parent's back.

Marsh Wren.

Great Blue Heron gliding over the peaceful lagoon.

Adult Pied-billed Grebe with five young.

On Sunday morning, we hiked parts of the lagoon trail again. Double-crested Cormorant.

Three Black Phoebe fledglings still snugged to each other.

Looking for the Pied-billed Grebe family.

Here it is.

American Coot feeding two young.

Adult Scaly-breasted Munia showing off its long scaled feathers in California Bulrush.

One of the three Scaly-breasted Munia fledglings.

California Scrub-Jay on a yellow gum tree.

Western Wood-Pewee.

Many Black-crowned Night Herons and Snowy Egrets were also nesting in a large Eucalyptus tree on the campground.


Credits and Additional Information


Oceano, a peaceful fresh water lagoon favored by birds during breeding season.



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