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Winter Birding | North Campus Open Space, Goleta, CA

This post is about the 5th week class of 2020 Birds of the Santa Barbara Region: Intermediate. Class started at North Campus Open Space where Canada Geese, Black-necked Stilts, American Crows, and Mallards were present. Our group identified 47 bird species.

Say's Phoebe waiting for some insects to catch.

A Ruby-crowned Kinglet always on a move.

Pair of Cinnamon Teals.

Red-shouldered Hawk eating a prey.

On the road between Devereux Slough and North Campus Open Space, a White-tailed Kite at a distance and a glimpse of Blue-gray Gnatcatcher close-by.

A new life bird for many of us: a Burrowing Owl standing on "Urbanite" (broken pieces of unwanted concrete leftover from a demolition project).

We resumed our walk and observed Western Bluebirds, Lesser Goldfinches as well as a Downy Woodpecker and a female Common Yellowthroat.

The group standing on the trail bridge over Phelps Creek.

On the vegetation creek, a sleepy Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron.

Male Gadwall.


Credits and Additional Information

NCOS is the acronym for North Campus Open Space.




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